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Re: bile duct cancer technically liver cancer..please help
jenny3289 Views: 22,146
Published: 19 y
Status:       RN [Message recommended for CureZone Newsletter!]
This is a reply to # 338,326

Re: bile duct cancer technically liver cancer..please help


First I would like to say how sorry I am to hear about your sister in-law.  I know how devastating it is to have a loved one who has been diagnosed with cancer.  My son was diagnosed in 1991, at the age of thirteen, with terminal brain cancer and given only 3 months to live.  They wanted to do chemo, however, it would not break the brain blood barrier.  Radiation would have left him totally incapacitated.  I told them no on both counts.  I decided to take him to Mexico for alternative therapy.  He received laetrile, immune augmentive therapy, and various other natural treatments. 

Within 6 months his tumor had shown signs of shrinkage.  Within a year it was totally gone, without the use of chemo or radiation.  I am happy to say that he is now a very happy, healthy, successful, twenty eight year old young man.  I have been helping people from all over the world, since this time, find the help they are seeking.  There are many who have been "cured" and some who's lives have been extended.  From what I have seen, I believe it is the individual's biological response to the treatment(s) that determines if it is successful, and what the patients body has been through as well. 

I am going to forward  your message to my sons doctor to see what his treatment protocol would be for her.  As soon as I hear back from him, I will email his response to you.  If you would like to contact me you may email me at: and I would be happy to give you my phone number. 

Please know that you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers and know that you are not alone.  Again, please feel free to contact me at any time, I am here to help you all that I can.  You can also go to my blog site at:




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