Tgo, that's a great idea, researching the benefits of juice therapy and juice fasting before embarking on such an endeavor. You may also want to read articles concerning not only the benefits but also what to expect on a juice fast.
For me, I've done three thirty day juice fasts and a half a dozen or more two-weekers. I will probably juice fast this way for the rest of my life. It works. It works in a way that nothing else does. I believe it's the key to good health, wellbeing, balanced emotions and longevity.
The first time I did a juice fast six years ago, I was ill for the first time in my adult life, so ill I was bedridden. I contracted a severe case of bronchitis that was rapidly becoming a pneumonia. When my doctor (who is a close friend and a D.O.) mentioned hospital, I knew I had to do something radical because there was no way in hell I was going to a hospital.
In addition to the bronchitis, I had a nasty infected sabaceous cyst pop up on the side of my FACE. My face!! It grew as large as a Florida navel orange (I know this because I have a Florida navel orange tree) Eventually this thing grew a head and it looked like I had a perky breast growing on the side of my face. My hair is waist length and even that could not hide the horror of this cyst.
Because I was so infected (including bronchitis), my doc pal wrote up a script for anti-biotics (immune suppressors) and wanted me to come back in 30 days (sooner if the bronchitis put me in the hospital) and he would CUT IT OUT. Now, I have never ever ever ever had surgery of any kind (still have my tonsils and appendix) so the idea of cutting on me, well... it kinda freaked me. Kinda.
So, I went home, threw away the script for anti-biotics and gathered all my notes and articles and books I had been studying on juice fasting and decided then and there I was going to do a 30 dayer... clean up this nasty, gunky, sick body of mine. So, I went and bought a juicer and a couple hundred pounds of produce (mostly carrots and apples) from a wholesaler (I have two refrigerators, one in the garage, comes in handy.)
Then, 30 days later... I had an appt with Don, my doc pal, and when I walked into the office he about had a coronary when he saw me. I was 30 pounds lighter and glowing. Radiant. Remember the last time he'd seen me, I was green and very sickly looking with a perky breast growing on the side of my face. The bronchitis was dead history and the cyst was completely gone, gobbled up by my body through a process called autolysis (self cannibalization) during detox. He was so impressed he joked about hiring me.
After that, I was very convinced and have done many more fasts since then and have not been ill in any way. Then there is the story of my brother, Joe, who was and still is extremely unhealthy and had one foot in the grave... Below are a few links that will give you more information, more stories including the one about my brother...
30 Day Juice Fast Journal: (Day Two may have the story of my first juice fast noted above)
The Story of Juicing and my Brother:
Tons of Juicing articles, tips and tricks:
In my opinion, the expense (investing in a quality juicer and produce) and inconvenience (prepping the produce, cleaning the juicer, etc) of juice fasting is NOTHING compared to the expense and inconvenience of disease, feeling like bovine caca all the time, the horrors of surgery, the massive burden of hospital bills, and the ridiculous amount of prescription medication (that kills instead of heals). There is no comparison. None. Whatsoever.
I hope this has convinced you to give it a try. But first read as much as you can, so you understand the underlying dynamics of how the juice fast works. How the body shuts down the digestive system and goes into detox... read about the different levels of detox and how they effect the body... if you're prepared, then the obstacles won't seem insurmountable.
I wish you all the best,
~ Dazzle